Why Students Should Be Part Of Online Classes During Lockdown?

Why Students Should Be Part Of Online Classes During Lockdown?

8 Jul 2020 | By admin

Schools and colleges in India have been shut since 22nd March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Board exams have been cancelled. But, children need to learn and that has led to a huge paradigm shift in the field of education. From classroom learning, the focus has shifted to e-learning.

E-learning is the method of teaching children remotely by using various digital platforms. Thousands of students are glued to the screens of theirs smartphone or laptop as teachers take them into a new world of online tutorials, lectures and assessments.

Here, take a look at the advantages of virtual classes.

Better student attendance

Skipping classes or giving excuses to stay home are part and parcel of a student’s life. But, with online classes, students have no option, but to regularly attend classes.

Today’s pro-digital, tech-savvy generation is loving online classes.

Engagement level is high

Online learning materials are visually appealing and more interactive as they’re typically combined with polls, surveys, quizzes, etc.

The virtual classes come with multimedia content that can be easily accessed by the students and this helps them in understanding the teaching material better.

Opportunities to track the progress of learning

Student’s progress and learning ability cannot be tracked with face-to-face learning. In the online mode, teachers are able to track the performance of individual students by monitoring the stored digital data.

With the help of online tools, student data can be tracked easily.

Very less distractions

As students are attending online classes from the comfort of their homes, there are no peer distraction. Away from the dominant students and strife competition, student engagement is enhanced and everyone takes part in asking questions and clearing their doubts.

Online learning has emerged as a boon during this time of crisis. If you still haven’t adopted this new form of teaching and learning, contact Homely School. We can get you started with our avantgarde virtual schooling system.